Other Papers Relating to the Composition, Organization and Activities of the American Delegation

[365] The Secretary of State to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

Paris Peace Conf. 184.13/128: Telegram

[366] The Secretary of State to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

763.72119/7737: Telegram

[367] The Commission to Negotiate Peace to the Secretary of State

Paris Peace Conf. 185/8a: Telegram

[368] The Commission to Negotiate Peace to the Secretary of State

Paris Peace Conf. 184/239a: Telegram

[369] The Secretary of State to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

763.72119P43/804: Telegram

[371] The Commission to Negotiate Peace to the Secretary of State

Paris Peace Conf. 184.13/130a: Telegram

[372] The Secretary of State to the Secretary to the President (Tumulty)


[373] The Secretary of State to President Wilson


[374] The Secretary to the President (Tumulty) to the Secretary of State


[375] The Secretary of State to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

763.72119/7808: Telegram

[376] The French Ambassador (Jusserand) to the Secretary of State


[377] The Commission to Negotiate Peace to the Secretary of State

Paris Peace Conf. 861.00/1175a: Telegram

[378] The Commission to Negotiate Peace to the Secretary of State

Paris Peace Conf. 184/241d: Telegram

[379] The Commission to Negotiate Peace to the Secretary of State

763.72119/8061: Telegram

[380] The Secretary of State to President Wilson


[381] Mrs. Woodrow Wilson to the Secretary of State


[382] The Secretary of State to the French Ambassador (Jusserand)


[383] The Secretary of State to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

Paris Peace Conf. 184/242: Telegram

[384] The Commission to Negotiate Peace to the Secretary of State

Paris Peace Conf. 184/241e: Telegram

[385] The Secretary of State to President Wilson


[386] Mrs. Woodrow Wilson to the Secretary of State


[387] The Secretary of State to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

763.72119/8074: Telegram

[388] The Commission to Negotiate Peace to the Secretary of State

763.72119P43/844: Telegram

[389] The Secretary of State to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

763.72119P43/844: Telegram

[390] The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador (Grey)


[391] The Secretary of State to President Wilson


[392] The Commission to Negotiate Peace to the Secretary of State

Paris Peace Conf. 184/243a: Telegram

[393] The Commission to Negotiate Peace to the Secretary of State

Paris Peace Conf. 184/245a: Telegram

[394] The Commission to Negotiate Peace to the Secretary of State

763.72119P43/856: Telegram