600.119/2214: Telegram
The Chargé in France ( Bliss ) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received December 25—3:08 p.m.]
6490. War Trade Board [from Stetson]: Number 725. Referring to Embassy’s 6292, of December 14 [15], 9 p.m. [12 a.m.], our 680, and Embassy’s 6385 of December 20, 10 a.m., our 704. French Ministry of Blockade propose that the derogations or licenses to trade with the enemy subjects in the occupied territory under the jurisdiction of the proposed Inter-Allied committees shall be granted by the proposed Inter-Allied committee to sit in the occupied region. That is, that [Page 779] the actual administration of the granting of the licenses shall be done by the local committee. This does not in any way deprive the proposed Paris committee of its functions with regard to determination of policy and no licenses should be granted except after decision by the Paris committee as to the policy under which such licenses would be granted. Stetson.