600.119/2208: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France ( Sharp )

6713. For McFadden42 [from War Trade Board]: No. 509. Following for Taylor from McCormick. Referring further Embassy’s 6292 December 15th, 12 a.m., your 680. As McFadden is expected here today, we should like to consult with him before taking any definite action with relation to policies affecting the territory on the west bank of the Rhine. To the extent, however, that it is necessary for the War Trade Board to state their policy in this matter, the Board place this matter entirely in your hands and you are authorized in your discretion to approve on behalf of the Board any matters which require immediate decision. You will also please act as our representative upon the Paris Committee so far as there is any occasion for such representation, keeping us fully informed as to all developments, particularly the extent to which enemy nationals in the occupied territory are permitted to have commercial relations with the Associated Governments and with neutral countries and with territories on the east bank of the Rhine. Our principal interest in the question is the extent to which exports and imports between the United States and the occupied territory are to be permitted. Referring Embassy’s 6336 December 17th, your 688, under our Trading with the Enemy Act, all the occupied territory still has the status of enemy territory. The law makes no provision for enemy territory under military occupancy. Are we to understand that the laws of France permit a general resumption of trade between France and all portions of the occupied territory? Is there any distinction under the French law between Alsace-Lorraine and other portions of the occupied territory?

  1. It was the practice to address cables dealing with War Trade Board matters and passing through the embassies, to the War Trade Board representatives by name, regardless of whether or not these men were at their posts.