763.72119/2977: Telegram
The Minister in Roumania ( Vopicka ) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 12—4:01 p.m.]
6. Yesterday Roumania celebrated the greatest day in her history when the King and Queen reentered Bucharest at the head of the Roumanian and Allied armies accompanied by General Berthelot. The Diplomatic Corps with the chief military and civil officers met the King and Queen at the entrance to the city. The troops were then reviewed by the King, Queen and General Berthelot, the Royal family and diplomats watching same from the stands erected for that purpose. Many thousands of parade passed and the enthusiasm was great. After the parade the King and Queen together with the Royal family, diplomats and chief military and civil officers attended divine service at the Cathedral after which the King was presented by the Minister of War with a diploma from the Roumanian Army raising him to the rank of Marshal of Roumania. In evening the King gave a great banquet to the diplomats, the chief officers of the Roumanian and Allied armies and the principal civil officers at which he made a speech thanking the Allies for all they have done for Roumania and expressed his joy that Roumania would be enlarged and all the peoples of Roumanian race would at last come together.