Edward M. House Papers
Copy of Telegram From the British Ambassador in France ( Derby ) to the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs ( Balfour ), December 15, 1918
I have been asked by Colonel House to make to you and to you alone the following communication.
[Page 327]The attitude of the President with regard to the dispute between the Yugo-Slavs and Italy will probably be as follows:—The United States of America were not a party to the Treaty of London of 1915 nor will they become a part of it. The President, Colonel House and experts are examining this Treaty in order to see how far their views, more especially as regards territorial cessions, can be assimilated to it. In the event of its being found, after such consideration, that the views of the United States Government do not coincide with the terms of that Treaty, a suggestion will be put forward by the President to the effect that, should it not be possible for the interested parties to come to an amicable arrangement, the territory in dispute should be neutralized under the guarantee of the Great Powers, [until such time as they might be able to agree].26
- Brackets on the original; the material within the brackets is in pencil.↩