The Swiss Minister ( Sulzer ) to the Secretary of State
Sir: I am instructed by my Government to transmit to your Excellency, upon the special request of the German Government, the following protest:14
“According to annex 1 to the armistice agreement, Belgium, France, Luxemburg, and Alsace-Lorraine are to be evacuated within 15 days in three stages. The third stage reaches over into Rhenish (Rhineland) territory, on the map, west of Prüm and between Merzig and Saargemünd, including Saarlouis and Saarbrücken.
It appears possible that this was done in order to attempt to add these regions to Alsace-Lorraine or to Luxemburg. The protest of the members of the German Commission was not heeded. The German Government most solemnly protests against any attempt to tear away these territories.
(Signed) Solf,
Secretary of State in the Foreign
Berlin, November 21, 1918.”
Accept [etc.]
- The following is a translation of the German text quoted by the Minister; the file translation has been revised.↩