File No. 763.72/1589

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Frame (Sharp)


682. Your 616, March 14.1 As Department is informed that the French decree of March 15 is substantially the same as the British order in council of the same date relative to commerce with Germany,2 you may present to the Foreign Office a copy of this Government’s reply to the British note enclosing the order in council as stating this Government’s position with reference to the declaration of Allied Governments.

This Government’s reply is being sent to London to-day and is as follows:

[Here was inserted the Department’s No. 1343 of March 30, 8 p. m., to London.3]

  1. Ante, p. 145.
  2. The French decree of March 13, ante, p. 150, and the British order in council of March 11, ante, p. 144, are evidently intended.
  3. Ante, p. 152.