File No. 763.72111/2852

The Acting Secretary of State to the Russian Ambassador (Bakhméteff)

My Dear Mr. Ambassador: Referring to your previous correspondence relating to action taken by the authorities of the Department of Justice against certain Montenegrin delegates and Mr. Seferovitch on charges of infraction of the neutrality laws of the United States, I beg to say that the Department has received a letter from the Department of Justice advising it that after the receipt by that Department of your notes and after conference with the attorneys for the defendant parties, that Department had directed the United States attorney in Arizona to dismiss the indictments or complaints against them in that district and that the United States attorney at Chicago had also been instructed to dismiss the indictment against Mr. Seferovitch and to take no further action regarding the remaining indictments until he received further instructions.

Mr. Warren, the Assistant Attorney General in charge of neutrality matters, adds that no further instructions would be given at present so long as the persons under indictment should comply with the laws of the United States in accordance with their stipulations.

I am [etc.]

Frank L. Polk