File No. 763.72112/361

The Ambassador in Great Britain (Page) to the Secretary of State


763. At conference to-day Grey showed me Spring Rice’s cable explaining the suggestion made by the Counselor of the State Department and took that as the basis of discussion.1 He agrees to two points: (1) To make a new list of absolute contraband, and (2) to prepare a new order in council to replace all the orders which have been issued modifying the Declaration of London. In this new order he will endeavor to meet our wishes so far as that is possible. The new list of contraband and the draft of the new order, he will discuss with me as soon as they are ready.

He further stated that the British Government have accepted an assurance from the Netherlands Government that the exportation of foodstuffs from Holland will be prevented by the existing embargo against such exportation. This will open the way for American cargoes of foodstuffs consigned to Holland to go there without interference and any cargoes of foodstuffs now detained by Great Britain, if any are now detained, will be released. This last seems to me an important concession in our favor. I suggested to Grey that the publication of this fact might have a good effect and he consents for you to give this last fact to the press if you so desire.

This whole subject was discussed at a cabinet meeting this morning and it was evident at our conference that the Government desire to meet our wishes so far as the most relentless war ever waged will permit them.

American Ambassador
  1. For explanation of the misunderstanding concerning this suggestion, see post: Grey’s telegram to the British Ambassador, September 30, with the Ambassador’s appended memorandum, p. 237; Department’s 226, October 1, p. 238; the British Ambassador’s letter of October 12 to the Counselor, p. 247; and Department’s 302, October 13, p. 247.