File No. 711.743/18.

The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

Bulgarian Series, No. 318.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that after waiting until the Department, under date of March 18th,1 had acknowledged the due receipt of my despatch No. 207, of February 26, 1913, I communicated the contents of the Department’s instruction No. 84 of February 12th to the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a semi-official letter addressed to the then Secretary General of that Ministry. No reply was made to my letter, partially owing to the disorganization brought about by the conflict between the former Balkan Allies, and partially owing to the appointment of Mr. Dimitroff, the Secretary General, as Diplomatic Agent at Cairo, but I know that it was put on the files of the Ministry.

In speaking of this matter with Mr. Ghenadieff, the Minister of Foreign Affairs at Sofia, a few days ago, the Minister told me that Bulgaria was quite ready to accord to American educational and philanthropic institutions the same facilities as are accorded to those under other foreign (Austrian, French and German) protection. Under the circumstances I did not, however, feel at liberty to go into the matter at length, and I merely refer to it now in order that appropriate instructions may be given to my successor.

I have [etc.]

John B. Jackson.
  1. Not printed.