File No. 837.77/73.

The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

No. 273.]

Sir: Referring to Department’s telegram of May 22, in regard to the proposed Nuevitas-Caibarién railway, I have the honor to enclose copies of communications received from the President and Secretary of State of Cuba in reply to an informal note from me, communicating the substance of the Department’s telegram of May 14th.

I have [etc.]

A. M. Beaupré.
[Inclosure 1—Translation.]

The President of Cuba to the American Minister.

My Dear Mr. Minister: When we talked some time ago about the subject matter of your note of today’s date you were unable to explain why I should oppose the bill for the construction of the Caibarién-Nuevitas railroad as now passed by Congress. The constitution requires that when the President of the. Republic vetoes an act he shall return it to the Congress with his reasons for not sanctioning it. I can find no ground whatever for disapproving an act of Congress providing for a work, which is regarded1 as so beneficial to the country. I regret, therefore, that I am not able to please you, and beg that you will so inform the Department of State of the United States.

Yours very truly,

José M. Gómez.
[Page 383]
[Inclosure 2—Translation,]

The Secretary of State of Cuba to the American Minister.

No. 515.]

Dear Mr. Minister: I received with much pleasure your note of the 23d instant inclosing copy of a personal note of the same date addressed by you to the President of the Republic, in regard to the bill pending in Congress for the construction under subsidy of the Caibarién-Nuevitas railroad.

Undoubtedly there has, in my judgment, been an error in the statement contained in the note in question, that, as the Department of State of the United States now understands the circumstances, it cannot approve the bill in its present form; for bills pending in our co-legislative bodies become laws when passed by both bodies and approved by the President of the Republic, in whom alone the power is vested to veto them when he deems it appropriate; and therefore I cannot conceive that in the present legal status of the relations between Cuba and the United States any Cuban law, and much less any bill pending in our Senate or Chamber of Representatives, is at any stage pending the approval of the Department of State at Washington, or that it requires such approval to become effective.

Very sincerely yours,

Manuel Sanguily.
  1. Not printed.