File No. 367.114M69/130.

The American Ambassador to the Secretary of State.

No. 193.]

Sir: In reference to my cablegram of May 1, announcing the sinking in the port of Smyrna on April 29 of the American steamship Texas belonging to the Archipelago American Steamship Company, I now have the honor to transmit herewith copies of the telegrams received by me from Consul General Plorton and of those sent him by this Embassy1 bearing on the subject down to the date of writing. * * *

I inclose also copy of the telegraphic instruction based on your cablegram of the 8th instant, which I have sent to the Consul General at Smyrna today.

I have [etc.]

W. W. Rockhill.

The American Ambassador to the Consul General at Smyrna.

Supplementing my telegram of yesterday, if the local authorities inform you in reply to your inquiry that the captain of the Texas is held for an alleged offense connected with sinking of vessel, you will, pointing out that diversity of report exists regarding the cause of sinking of Texas which was an American vessel flying the American flag, request that, pending determination of this question which is under investigation by you, the Ottoman authorities surrender to you for your detention the captain of this American vessel.

You will at the same time say to the Ottoman authorities that upon determination of the question now under investigation by you the Embassy will determine its future action. On receipt of the mailed report and reply to my telegram of yesterday I will take up the matter with the Foreign Office.

  1. Not printed.