Mr. Clayton to Mr. Hay.

No. 156.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith copy and translation of the decree promulgating the treaty between Mexico and Germany for the protection of trade-marks in the two countries.

I have the honor to be, sir, etc.,

Powell Clayton.
[Page 503]

[From Diario Oficial.—Translation.]

The President of the Republic has been pleased to remit to me the following decree:

“Porfirio Díaz, President of the United Mexican States, to the inhabitants thereof, know ye:

“That on the sixteenth day of August last there was concluded and signed in this city, by the plenipotentiaries appointed for the purpose by Mexico and Germany, a treaty, the object of which is to secure the protection of the trade-marks of the producers existing in both countries, the tenor of which is as follows:

“The Government of the United Mexican States and the Government of the German Empire having agreed to secure, reciprocally, the protection of the trademarks of the producers residing in the two countries, the undersigned, duly authorized for the purpose, have agreed upon the following provisions:

  • Article I. With respect to the denomination of the merchandise and its package, as well as with relation to the trade-marks of manufacture and commerce, the producers residing in Mexico shall enjoy in Germany, and the producers residing in Germany shall enjoy in Mexico, the same protection had by the producers residing in Germany, or, respectively, by those residing in Mexico, the possession of any establishment, shop, or agency for the sale of their goods in the other country not being necessary, but with the restricting to comply with the other legal requisites which may be required by the one or the other country.
  • Article II. The present declaration shall begin to rule in each of the two contracting countries from the day of its official publication, and it shall continue to be in force until the expiration of the six months following the notice which one of the contracting parties may give to the other.

“In testimony whereof the undersigned have drawn up the present declaration and have affixed their respective seals thereto.

“Done in the City of Mexico in two originals on August sixteen, of the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight.

Ignatio Mariscal,
The Secretary of Foreign Affairs.

Baron de Ketteler,
The Minister of the German Empire.

“That the foregoing convention was approved by the Senate of the United Mexican States on the twelfth of April last and ratified by me on the seventeenth of the same month.

“And that it was also approved by the German Government, according to information received from its diplomatic envoy accredited here, by note of the twenty-seventh of April last.

“Wherefore I order that it be printed, published, circulated, and that it be duly observed.

“Given in the National Palace of Mexico on the sixteenth of May, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine.

Porfirio Díaz.

Licenciate Don Ignacio Mariscal,
Secretary of Foreign Relations.

And I inform you of the samefor the consequent effects, renewing the assurances of my high consideration.


To —— ——.