Baron Fava to Mr. Hay.


Mr. Secretary of State: The industrial subcommission on immigration held some meetings in the latter part of last July, under the chairmanship of Mr. Farquhar, at the rooms of the New York Chamber of Commerce, to collect information with regard to immigration.

Among the witnesses who were requested to appear before the commission was Signor Rossi, the chief agent of the Italian bureau of emigration at the Barge Office, who, as in duty bound, made a report to this embassy on the questions which had been put to him on this subject. The royal ministry has repeatedly expressed a wish to have the official minutes of those meetings. I wrote to the secretary of the Industrial Commission, requesting him to send me a copy of the minutes, but he replied, on the 29th September last, that they had not yet been published.

As new requests, however, have been sent me from Rome on this subject, I venture to appeal to your excellency’s well-known courtesy with the request that if the document in question has not yet been printed you will, if possible, kindly procure me a copy for my private use, at least of that part containing the interrogatory of Chevalier Rossi, who, if I am not mistaken, appeared before the commission on the 26th July.

Thanking you in advance, I beg, etc.,
