Mr. Adee to Mr. Tillman.

No. 27.]

Sir: The Department has received a dispatch, dated the 17th ultimo, from our consul-general at Guayaquil, announcing the defeat of the Government forces by those of General Alfaro, and, in view of the uncertain condition of political affairs in Ecuador, thinks it well to advise you that intercourse for the disposal of current matters affecting American interests with the de facto authority administering the public affairs of the State with the general acquiescence of its people and controlling the machinery of government to that end, is in accordance with the traditional policy of this Government. (See Wharton’s International Law Digest, vol. 1, sec. 70.) In accordance with that policy, it is for you on the spot to determine with sound discretion the responsible authority to which you are to address yourself. Any professed formalities of recognition should await the instructions of your Government, which may be sought and obtained by cable if necessary.

I am, etc.,

Alvey A. Adee