No. 222.
Mr. Washburne to Mr. Fish.
Paris, April 23, 1875. (Received May 7.)
Sir: On the 16th instant I received a note from Vice-Admiral Baron de la Ronciere le Noury, president of the geographical society, inviting me to be present at a meeting on the evening of the 21st instant, for the purpose of receiving a gold medal, (Prix a de la Roquette,) which had been granted by the society to Captain Francis Hall for the exploration in the Polaris to the north of Smith’s Sound in 1871–1873.
It afforded me pleasure to comply with the invitation, and at the time appointed I proceeded to the hall of the society, accompanied by the secretaries of the legation. It was densely crowded, including many persons celebrated for their writings and their achievements, as this was the annual meeting to hear reports, present medals, and elect officers.
After the presentation of a gold medal to Abbé Armand David for his travels in China and Mongolia, and another to Dr. George Schweinfurth for his explorations in the country of the Nyams-Nyams and Minbouttons, the president presented to me the medal decreed by the society for Captain Hall. He accompanied the presentation with a few remarks appreciative of the heroism and enterprise of Captain Hall, saying that as he had perished in his work, and was now in his coffin, this society could only lay upon that coffin this medal decreed in his honor, which he asked me to place in the possession of his family.
It now remains for me to send you herewith the said medal, to be by you transmitted to the family of Captain Hall.
I have, &c.,