No. 204.
Mr. Cramer
to Mr. Fish.
Copenhagen, June 14, 1875. (Received July 2.)
Sir: Referring to my No. 326, of the 21st ultimo, in which I informed you of the resignation of the Danish cabinet, I have now the honor to further inform you that the King not only accepted that resignation, but also appointed a new cabinet, in which Count Frederick George Julius Moltke-Bregentved is the minister for foreign affairs.
On the evening of the 12th instant I received a note, under the previous day’s date, from the outgoing minister for foreign affairs, informing me of the acceptance by the King of his resignation, and of the appointment of a successor, and alluding in pleasant terms to the friendliness that had marked our official relations. A copy of this note is herewith inclosed, marked “A,” together with a copy of my reply to the same, marked “C.”
In the same envelope that contained the farewell note of the outgoing minister for foreign affairs was inclosed a note of the same date from the incoming minister for foreign affairs, informing me of the appointment of a new cabinet, in which he is charged with the portefeuille of foreign affairs, and expressing the hope that our official relations may strengthen the good understanding and advance the interests of our respective governments and countries.* * *
I have, &c.,