No. 202.
Mr. Cramer to Mr. Fish.

No. 314.]

Sir: The Danish Rigsdag has recently passed a law, which received the sanction of the King, in relation to street-railroads, of which the following is the substance:

This law authorizes the minister of the interior to grant to street-railroad companies the right of using locomotives on their tracks instead of horse-power. After having conferred with the respective city or local authorities, he may impose such conditions and prescribe such regulations in relation to the construction, use, &c., of such locomotives, as may be deemed necessary for the safety and security of general transit.

This law further authorizes the minister to grant to such companies the exclusive right to use the tracks laid for the purpose of running such locomotives and cars over them for a period of forty years. At the expiration of this period, the city or local authorities within whose territory such tracks have been laid have the right to demand, either that the rails be taken up and the streets, &c., be repaired at the expense of the company, or that the track, rolling-stock, appurtenances, &c, shall be turned over to them for a sum fixed by disinterested men appointed by a court. The minister may, however, at the recommendation of such city or local authorities, extend the period to such company or companies. Should a difference of opinion arise between the communities through whose territories the rail-track runs, as to the manner of settling the various questions that may present themselves at the expiration of the said period, the minister, after having consulted with the interested parties, shall definitely settle the matter, and his decision shall be final.

It may, perhaps, be proper to state that the law contemplates the construction of such locomotives as shall either emit no smoke at all, or consume the same in some manner.

I have, &c.,