No. 107.
Mr. Williamson to Mr. Fish.

No. 306.]

Sir: I have the honor of handing you herewith copies and translation of letter from minister of foreign affairs of Nicaragua, announcing the result of the late presidential election in that country and inviting me to be present at the inauguration; also, a copy and translation of the decree accompanying his letter, and my reply.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure 1 in No. 306.—Translation.]

Mr. Rivas to Mr. Williamson.

Sir: I have the honor of inclosing to your excellency a certified copy of the declaration of Congress of the election of the future President of the republic.

The honorable precedents of Mr. Chamorro, and his known principles in favor of the progress of his country and of the respect due to other nations, guarantee that, during his term of office, will be maintained and developed the good relations that happily exist between this republic and the nation so honorably represented by your excellency. So it is that I am gratified in thinking that that declaration of the national vote will be received with pleasure by your excellency.

The 1st of March next, at one o’clock, will take place the solemn act of the inauguration of the new President, and it is pleasant to me to make known to your excellency that the entire country and its government will feel honored if that solemnity can be attended by your excellency.

I take this opportunity to renew to your excellency the assurance of my profound respect and of my distinguished consideration.


Hon. Geo. Williamson,
Minister Resident of the United States in Central America.

[Page 155]
[Inclosure 1 in No. 306.—Translation.]

decree of the president of nicaragua.

The President of the Republic of Nicaragua to its inhabitants:

Know that the sovereign Congress has declared the following:

The Congress of the Republic of Nicaragua declares—

Article 1st. “the citizen, Mr. Pedro Joaquin Chamorro, is popularly and constitutionally elected President of the republic .by the free and spontaneous vote of the Nicaraguans for the term that commences the 1st of March of the present year.

To the executive power.




Therefore let it be executed.

    Minister of the government.
  • RIVAS.
[Inclosure 2 in No. 306.]

Mr. Williamson to Señor Rivas.

Sir: Your esteemed note of the 20th of January, containing a copy of the decree of your excellency’s government announcing, as the result of the presidential election in October last, that the distinguished citizen, Senor Don Pedro Joaquin Chamorro, had been duly elected President of Nicaragua for the term beginning the 1st of March next, was received by the last mail.

The polite invitation to be present at the inauguration of the President-elect would be accepted with unfeigned satisfaction if it were not necessary for me to visit the capital of Honduras on important official business at this time. If it be possible to be present at the inauguration, I shall be gratified. Whether present or absent, I beg leave to tender my congratulations upon the occasion, and to express the hope that the administration of the President-elect may be highly advantageous to Nicaragua, and contribute to enroll his name among her greatest benefactors and truest patriotic statesmen.

The occasion is also taken to beg of you to present to President Quadra my sincere congratulations on the success of his administration, and my thanks for the uniform friendliness he has been pleased to exhibit toward me as the representative of my country. He has my best hopes for his happiness and welfare.

Renewing to your excellency the assurance of my high consideration, I have the honor to be your obedient servant,


His Excellency Señor Licenciado Don A. H. Rivas,
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nicaragua.