No. 72.
Mr. Williamson to Mr. Fish.
States Legation in Central America,
San Salvador, October 18, 1873.
(Received Nov. 18.)
No. 42.]
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that, in
accordance with the appointment, communicated to you, to-day at 12 o’clock I
was admitted to a public audience by the President of this republic, and
delivered to him my letter of credence, accompanied with an address, a copy
of which is inclosed. I also inclose you a copy of his reply, and beg to
call your attention to the importance he professes to attach to my quotation
from your report to the Senate, dated July 14, 1870. I believe the words
made a highly satisfactory impression on him, as in our subsequent
conversation he alluded to them as the first authoritative expressions of
that kind he had ever heard of the policy of my Government to the Central
American States.
The reception was very handsome and very cordial. In fact, although I have
given more of the special details of my receptions at Costa Rica and
Guatemala, for fear of its being thought I was weak enough to attribute to
my own personal qualities too large a share of the honors extended, it seems
due to the Department that I should mention as a fact of political
significance that my receptions by the President and officials, native and
foreign citizens of the states I have visited up to this time, have been
attended with a hearty cordiality, indicative of the constantly increasing
influence and authority of our country abroad, and particularly in these
The President invited me to a banquet to-morrow at 11 a.m., which is to be
attended by the officials, and by the deputies of the Congress, which has
just adjourned. I accepted the invitation.
President Gonzalez impresses me favorably. He has a good face and a frank
manner. He talks well and expresses the most profound admiration for our
Government and people. Like Barrios and Guardia, of Guatemala and Costa
Rica, he belongs to the liberal party, is in favor
[Page 109]
of immigration and of cultivating the arts and
sciences, and of the most rapid development of the country that a prudent
regard for its resources will allow. He expressed great regret that he could
not offer me a house in San Salvador. As I am staying in one of his houses
now, I took occasion to thank him for the hospitality already extended and
to say that I hoped to be frequently in San Salvador during my official
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 42.]
Address of Mr. Williamson to President Gonzalez of
Mr. President: The President of the United
States, having conferred upon me the high honor of accrediting me as
minister resident to Central America, has made me the bearer of a letter
of credence to your excellency, which I now have the honor to deliver.
It may be almost idle for me to add to the words contained in the letter
my assurances of the good will of my Government and countrymen for the
people of San Salvador. They have had the continual sympathy of the
people of the United States in the steady advance of their political and
material progress since 1821. Neither my Government nor my countrymen
can forget how much gallant blood San Salvador has shed since 1823 until
now to defend her liberties against the insidious designs of infatuated
partisans, who seemed to believe they were created to call themselves to
office rather than be called by the popular voice. San Salvador has
played so conspicuous a part in Central American politics that I hope I
may be excused for quoting words to you, Mr. President, which the
Secretary of State of the United States used in a report to the Senate
in regard to all the Central American states. They contain an eloquent
epitome of the sentiments of my Government. He said: “A favorable time
has now come for removing them, [that is, obstacles to commerce,] for
laying the foundation for an American policy which shall bind in closer
union the American republics. Let them understand that the United States
do not covet their territories; that our only desire is to see them
peaceful, with free and stable governments, increasing in wealth and
population, and developing in the lines in which their own traditions,
customs, habits, laws, and modes of thought will naturally take them.
Let them feel that, as in 1826, so now, this Government is ready to aid
them to the fall extent of its constitutional power in any steps which
they may take for their better protection against anarchy.” In a
different form, these words are but reiterations of the wish expressed
in my letter of credence and conveyed in my assurance that I shall do
all in my power to make more cordial the friendly relations that have so
long subsisted between San Salvador and my country. Whatever I can
personally or officially do to contribute to the mutual advantage and
honor of our respective countries shall be most cheerfully done. And I
now avail myself of this occasion to say to you and your cabinet, Mr.
President, that it shall be the most pleasant part of my duty to make
our relations agreeable and to work with you to make more intimate the
political and commercial bonds and sympathies that naturally exist
between this republic and the United States.
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Reply of President Gonzalez to Mr. Williamson.
Mr. Minister: It gives me great pleasure to
receive from your hands the autographic letter of His Excellency the
President of the United States, who accredits you as minister resident
from that nation near this republic. The loyalty and honesty which
characterize you, and in that the worthy Chief Magistrate of your
Government has honored you with his confidence, secures the maintenance
of the cordial sympathies and friendship which happily have and still
exist between the people and governments of America and Salvador. The
memorable words of your Secretary of State, which you have just quoted,
are significant and important in the relations of both republics. The
facts and ideas set forth in them clearly prove that Salvador in her
divers struggles against the enemies of her progress, and in her
constant efforts to destroy the reactionary elements which have for so
long infested her bosom, has placed a well-grounded confidence in the
example of the pure republicans of the United States, who, have so nobly
merited this faith, as they have strived only for the cause of order,
[Page 110]
themselves aloof from
projects purely personal, (as you have said,) and from principles that
are peculiar to those antiquated and retrogressive systems that destroy
the sanctity of rights and debase the dignity of humanity. The American
Union and Salvador through the same means tend to the same end, the
advancement and happiness of mankind, by the elevation of his dignity
and the full exercise of his liberties; that is, by the consolidation of
order by means of a rational and judicious enforcement of authority. The
sympathies and friendship that have such a foundation are indissoluble,
and to cultivate and strengthen them has been and still is for my
government an agreeable duty. In the name of the people of Salvador, I
tender my thanks to the people of the United States for the benevolent
sentiments which in their name you have just expressed. Personally and
officially, you will meet in my government the most friendly disposition
and the most lively desire to draw closer the political and commercial
relations between the two peoples. I congratulate myself that the
representation of the United States in these countries has been
intrusted to a person of your merit, since the many worthy qualities
which adorn you afford other guarantees of the good-will, harmony, and
affability which should govern our relations.