No. 448.
Mr. Turner to Mr. Fish.

No. 127.]

Sir: I have the honor to announce to the Department the arrival, on the afternoon of the 5th June, 1874, in this port, from Porte Grande, Saint Vincent, of the United States war steamship Congress, three hundred and ten men and twenty-eight officers, Capt. Earl English, commanding. Within two hours after her anchorage here I had the pleasure of receiving Lieutenant Nazro at the rooms of the legation as the representative of Captain English, whose health forbids his venturing on shore in this climate. Lieutenant Nazro, after a meeting at the office of the legation, at which he consented to my offer to make an official announcement to the government of Liberia of the presence of the Congress, cordially accepted my invitation to spend a few moments at my residence, after which he immediately returned on board the Congress.

In conformity with my agreement with the lieutenant, I announced during the afternoon the arrival of the Congress to the secretary of state, with the request to know the President’s pleasure with reference to an interchange of customary courtesies. (See inclosure 1.)

The pleasure of the President, as expressed to me, will be found in the reply of the secretary of state, a copy of which is transmitted herewith, and marked 2.

[Page 709]

At 8 o’clock on the morning of the 6th June I forwarded to Captain English a note, (please see inclosure 3,) expressing to him the pleasure of this government, and accompanied with copy of my note to and reply from the secretary of state.

At 9.30 a.m., June 6th, agreeably with an invitation extended by Lieutenant Nazro and accepted by me the day before, I repaired on board the Congress for the purpose of accompanying to the shore Captain English, or such officers as he might designate, to make the formal visit to the President. When on board, Captain English received me with very marked civility, explained the ailment which prevented him from calling in person on shore, invited me to his own cabin, where he presented to me the several officers of his command and spread refreshments, of which we together partook. Captain English then introduced Lieutenant Evans as commandant of the officers appointed to pay the respects of the Congress to the President, whereupon Lieutenant-Commander Evans, accompanied by Lieutenants Kelley, Selfridge, Adams, Nazro, U. S. N.; Bichen, (?) U. S. M. C., Chaplain Tribou, Engineer Roelker, and myself, went ashore and proceeded directly to the department of state, where I had the pleasure of presenting the officers present to Secretary Moore. At the suggestion of Mr. Moore the party proceeded to the executive mansion, where they were received and appreciatively entertained by President Roberts.

At the conclusion of the presentation ceremony, the party, upon my invitation, honored the rooms of the legation with their presence and passed a few hours there, after which I accompanied them to the Congress. On taking my formal leave, I had the honor of being saluted with the firing of thirteen guns.

The Congress, being in want of coal, steamed off, en route to Gape Palmas, on the morning of the 7th June. The general health of both officers and men seems good, and it is gratifying that they appear in excellent spirits.

The visit of the Congress here was unquestionably acceptable to the citizens of this place.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure 1 in No. 127.]

Mr. Turner to Mr. Moore.

Sir: I have the honor to state for the information of his excellency, the President of the republic, that the United States ship of war Congress has this day anchored in the harbor, and therefore this legation would be glad to be informed as to the most convenient time for an interchange of a national salute, as also the hour most acceptable for his excellency’s reception of the commander and officers of his staff, or such members thereof as the commander may see fit to invite to the shore.

I have the honor to be, sir, with the highest consideration, your most humble and obedient servant,

United States Resident Minister and Consul-General to Republic of Liberia.

Hon. J. E. Moore,
Secretary of State Republic of Liberia.

[United States ship Congress 16 guns, European squadron, from Porte Grande, St. Vincent, bound to Cape Palmas, 310 men and 28 officers, Capt. Earl English, U. S. N., commanding.]

[Page 710]
[Inclosure 2 in No. 127.]

Mr. Moore to Mr. Turner.

Sir: I am in receipt of your dispatch stating, for the information of his excellency the President of the republic, that the United States ship of war Congress is now at anchor in this harbor, &c.

I have the honor to reply that 12 o’clock m. has been selected as the hour for an interchange of a national salute; and that the President will be pleased to receive you, the commander of the Congress, and the officers of his staff, at 11 o’clock a.m. With assurances of profound respect and esteem, I have, &c.,

[Inclosure 3 in No. 127.]

Mr. Turner to Captain English.

Sir: In compliance with my promise, I have the honor to transmit herewith, for your information and guidance, copies of correspondence that has taken place between this legation and the government of Liberia in reference to a national salute and the President’s formal reception of yourself this day.

I will arrive on board in person at 9.30 a.m.
The salute will commence at 12 o’clock noon.
His excellency has appointed 11 o’clock for the reception of yourself and officers at the executive mansion, at the conclusion of which reception I anticipate the happiness of being able to submit to your consideration such courtesy as others have seen fit to extend to you on your visit.

I shall be happy to render you such service as you may require and that shall be found to be within my official province. Should such service be required, you will be good enough to send by the bearer of this dispatch a written description of the same.

I sincerely regret to have been informed by your officer on shore yesterday of your indisposition. I hope, however, you are better to-day.

My congratulations to yourself, officers, and men. Wishing you all bon voyage, I have the happinesss to pray you to accept, my dear captain, my sincere assurances of the high consideration and esteem with which I have the distinguished honor to be, sir,

Your most obedient servant,

  • Capt. Earl English,
    Commanding United States Ship Congress, off Monrovia.