No. 415.
Mr. Bingham to Mr. Fish.

No. 30.]

Sir: Referring to your instruction No. 14, 7th November, 1873, I beg leave, in reply thereto, to call your attention to my dispatch No. 19, 18th November, 1873, and especially to inclosure No. 2, therewith, in which, among other things, I said to the minister for foreign affairs that I had “carefully abstained from declaring for or against the regulations hitherto presented by the foreign representatives,” &c. The regulations referred to are the proposals mentioned in your instruction No. 14, the third article of which provides for the $200 deposit. I was of opinion, at the time the regulations were under discussion, that the provision for a deposit with the minister or consul ought not to be accepted, and am glad to be informed that it does not meet the approval of the President.

I am, &c.,