No. 30.
Mr. Mathews to Mr. Fish.
Consulate of the United States of America,
Tangier, August 24, 1874. (Received September
No. 142.]
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that a
meeting of the foreign representatives took place at Tangier on the 21st
instant to take into consideration the disturbed state of the province
of Tangier. The meeting was held at the residence of the Spanish
Attention was drawn to the state of anarchy which for two months past has
existed in this province, the authority of the pasha being practically
null outside the walls of the town of Tangier. It was pointed out that
the preservation of the public peace for any length of time was most
uncertain; that any untoward incident might at any moment occur to
disturb it; that crimes and acts of violence had been committed with
impunity, and that it was notorious that the pasha had no force at his
disposal to put down any insurrectionary movement that may take place.
Allusion was also made to the neighboring province of Anjera, which is
without governor, and is also fax from being in a satisfactory
It was unanimously decided that the time had come when some steps should
be taken by the foreign representatives to bring the critical state of
the country to the notice of the Sultan’s government, and with this view
it was agreed that an identical note should be presented by each
representative to the Moorish minister for foreign affairs. The note was
drawn up by Señor Patxot, the Spanish minister, and after undergoing a
few slight alterations, was accepted by all the representatives.
I have the honor to inclose herewith a translation of this note, which in
concert with the other foreign representatives I have this day addressed
to Cid Mohamed Bargash, and I hope it will meet with your approval.
I have, &c.,
[Page 43]
Mr. Mathews to
the minister of foreign
Consulate of the United States at
August 24,
* * * * * * *
The serious nature of the circumstances which are occurring in this
country compels me to call your attention, in a friendly manner, to
the unsafe state in which this country has remained for some time
past. The Christian powers see with astonishment the repeated and
scandalous acts of violence by which the public tranquillity is
placed in jeopardy, and the impunity with which crimes and frequent
acts of violence are allowed to pass without the authorities of the
Sultan’s government applying an opportune remedy, a state of things
which gives grounds for suspecting a culpable apathy, for whose
consequences you will be responsible.
Further patience is impossible in view of the insurrection at present
existing in this province, and people are grieved to see that the
authorities do nothing to terminate this dangerous state of things,
which is a constant menace to the public peace.
It is necessary that an end be put immediately to this state of
things. I therefore request that you lose no time in bringing this
letter to the notice of his sheriffian majesty, in which I protest
against the state of anarchy in which this country is left, and I
request, in the name of my government, that you apply a prompt
remedy to this; deplorable-state of things, which no nation can any
longer see or accept with indifference. It is necessary that without
any loss of time you take measures to cause your authorities to be
respected and obeyed, aiding them for this purpose with sufficient
force and means, or else that you change them for others who have
the power to govern. And know that I render you responsible for all
harm and prejudice that may accrue to the citizens or the interests
of the nation which I have the honor to represent. Thus you will
avoid endless complications and preserve the friendship and high
esteem of all the Christian powers, who have full confidence in the
wisdom of His Majesty the Sultan, that he will find a remedy for
this lamentable state of things with promptitude and energy.
Peace and friendship.