No. 135.
Mr. Williams to Mr. Fish.
Legation of
the United States,
Peking, November 18, 1873.
(Received January 27, 1874.)
No. 10.]
Sir: I have the honor to send you a copy of a
dispatch from Mr. Knight, United States consul at New Chwang, relating to
the inundation in that region, and the consequent disturbed state of the
country arising from the distress caused by it and loss of the crops. Mr.
Knight addressed the local civil and military authorities in August, setting
forth the dangers likely to fall upon all classes, if the brigandage was not
stopped; and when his dispatch reached Peking I applied to the government,
as did the other foreign ministers, asking what measures would be taken, and
urging energetic action before the distress and rapine became desperate, if
not remediless. The miseries of anarchy have already been felt in that part
of Manchuria, and the subsequent prosperity now made all classes alike
desirous to restore quiet, lest they should experience a repetition of their
evils; and it is to this that I partly ascribe the measure of success in the
efforts of government, as given in Prince Kung’s reply, (see inclosure 2,)
to restore quiet. There is, I hear otherwise, a large measure of truth in
its statements, but the distress and want must still be very great. The
rains of which Mr. Knight speaks, and to which I referred in my dispatch of
August 25, have been unusually wide and heavy, extending over an area
measuring nearly one hundred thousand square miles, comprising the largest
part of this
[Page 216]
province and the
western district of Manchuria. All the bottom-lands in this wide area have
been more or less overflowed. The River Liao, which runs by Kew Chwang, is
nearly five hundred miles long, and its upper headwaters drain the
southeastern slopes of the Great Plateau, west of the basin of the Sougari
as far as the border of Chili province, into the Gulf Liaotung. Between it
and the Pei-ho are a few smaller streams; but the latter, with its four
tributaries, all larger than itself, pours the drainings of the whole
southern part of the province into the Gulf of Chili at Taker. The
headwaters of these affluents are about six degrees of latitude apart, and
all rise in the range of hills which separate this province from Shansi, and
converge towards Tien-tsin like the ribs of a fan; the largest, called
Sang-kan or Hurm, and also Yang-ting, near its junction with the Pei-ho,
rushes down from the uplands like a mill-race, laden with sediment, which is
soon deposited along the flat lands, or raises the bed of the stream. The
others join it near Tien-tsin from the west and southwest, and their swollen
currents have every where burst the banks and spread their waters over the
country. The single outlet is insufficient to relieve the excess, but there
is no other opening into the sea, and the flood remains until it soaks away
or dries up.
As the rain ceases and the rivers contract, only the water near their
channels flows out, that which is farther off being shut in by the dikes and
banks around the fields it has covered; the narrow roads are also
unserviceable, as they are usually from three to eight feet below the
general level, and at such times become mere ditches. These disadvantages of
this flat plain have been really much increased by the efforts of the people
to confine the rivers in their beds by diking up the banks, for the soil
brought down has silted up the beds, and the superabundant waters cannot
regain the channel. The mountains where the rivers rise are bare of trees,
and nothing, of course, there detains the falling showers, so that there
seems to be no remedy for the evils and disasters which come in the train of
these heavy rains to those who live in the lowlands. One compensation is
found, indeed, to the latter in the large crops which their fields produce
when the water has dried off. At this time, ten weeks since the rain ceased,
it is estimated that more than half of the submerged region has become dry;
but I can obtain no reasonable estimate of the area still under water.
Happily the spring crop of wheat was large, and the supply of rice from the
south is now brought in steamers, and is more and better than when the
grain-junks brought it, so that the distress is not likely to imperil life
so much as in 1871.
For three successive years have the districts around Tien-tsin been flooded.
The authorities and people exerted themselves manfully to preserve the dikes
near the city, but their efforts were fruitless just at the highest point of
the freshet, and, most sad to add, only a fortnight before the time of the
harvest when the crevasse occurred and the waters spread over the fields,
destroying the millet, pulse, and sorghum, and sweeping away the mud-houses.
The loss of life was not great. This region is still covered and the people
are searching its lagoons and deep places for fish, which find abundance of
food there. It will not be dry until the warm spring comes.
I have deemed that you would be interested in these details of the calamitous
flood in this province, as explanatory of Mr. Knight’s dispatch. It is a
great wonder to me that the people are so quiet amid their misery, but they
know that their officers sympathize with them somewhat, and large supplies
of grain have been distributed near the
[Page 217]
city, though necessarily quite inadequate to relieve
all. The miserable poverty of the great bulk of the population, their
ignorance and inertness, with the selfishness which dwells in all classes,
and makes it hard to obtain relief, all combine to increase the misery,
disease, and sufferings which follow in the train of so widespread a flood
in this plain. Nor do I see how the surplus waters can be discharged without
a new outlet is dug into the gulf; and this, I fear, would be choked with
silt before it had been long in use, even if the resources of the government
were sufficient to make it.
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 10.]
Mr. Knight to Mr.
States Consulate,
Newchwang, August 30,
Sir: I have the honor to address you on a
troublesome subject, and one which, with the exception of the local
excitements created by the Tien-tsin massacre, I have been happily free
from since the year 1866, namely, the disturbed condition of this
province, and the almost utter paralyzation of the traffic to and from
this port with the interior, arising from the presence of numerous bands
of brigands which occupy the country between this port-town and
The district represented by this consulate has ever been infested with
lawless roving bands of more or less importance, but the prompt and
skillful management of his excellency Wen-siang with a large
foreign-drilled or armed force north of Moukden, during the winter of
1865–’66, and the spring following, and the just and retributive action
of his excellency Ching-lin and associates, who then held-office at this
port, during the summer of 1866, appeared to have scattered them to
follow their habits in other parts, or to lead a more honest life. Small
companies, it is true, have appeared from time to time at different
points during the cold seasons; one band approached so near this place
last winter that some of the residents were obliged to give up an
arranged excursion to a neighboring spot, but both merchandise and
travelers usually escaped plunder by the employment of an armed escort
guard, the members of which were under some arrangement with the
robbers. But I may add that no one, to my knowledge, has ever disputed
the repeated assertion that these selfsame escort guards themselves
often resort to robbing when out of escort employment.
However the case may be, the occurrences of the past two months have
served to place matters, as regards the safety of life and jeopardy of
trade in this province, in a position quite as disastrous and fraught
with anxiety as subsequent events proved had been justly apprehended
during this month eight years ago. The main and immediate cause of such
a state of things may be attributed to the excessive rains with which
this quarter has been visited of late. The native whose memory extends
back half a century testifies that no such rain-storms within his
experience have fallen upon this land. For two months, with but short
and infrequent intervals, the country has been drenched with showers
only equaled in the tropics, until not only is the country extending
from this port-town southward to the hills under water, but the entire
district between this and Moukden, and especially along the basin of the
Sian, and the most important high-roads are so flooded that large boats
may depart from the river-channels, and, in many directions, reach their
destination by a straight course. Thus an extent of country not
overestimated at 1,000 square miles is inundated, in which I need
scarcely mention the crops are entirely ruined. In fact the staple
harvests of beans and millet are decayed, and the stalks of the latter
having floated down the swollen river may be met with far out in the
gulf. These are just the circumstances most certain to tempt those in
this country who are at all naturally inclined to predatory habits, and
the comparative success of the earlier formed bands attract to their
ranks large numbers of those who, through loss of crops, and homes
perhaps, soon become demoralized and reckless.
Consequently, the condition of this province compared with former years
is, beyond dispute, as I now state. The possibility of transporting
merchandise from this port to the north, or of bringing produce hither
from Moukden, without an almost certainty of seizure, is about as
complete as if war was being carried on between the two points. Trade in
imports is thus absolutely checked. In former years the robbers
contented themselves with exacting only sycee or opium; now they demand
any and everything
[Page 218]
on which
they can raise the smallest amount of cash. Formerly they roved about on
horseback, and there was some chance of the trains of carts escaping
them; now they occupy the country along the banks of the Liao, which,
under the circumstances, is the only course of travel, and a free
passage without an encounter is not expected. Until lately the common
escort-guard could come to some arrangement with the brigands by which
the trains under their convoy were exempt from plunder; but now the
brigands are strangers, and too eager for any division of spoils. A few
years ago the provincial troops, the escort-guard, and the robbers were
armed alike with the matchlocks of the country; now, there can be little
question but that the latter have many in their ranks who are well
provided with foreign rifles. All trade for the moment is so obstructed
that, but for the large stores of produce at this port-town, not a
single commercial transaction would take place. And, finally, the
imperial maritime revenue has fallen off, and must show a large
reduction for this year. Now, the fact is not to be overlooked, that
loss of trade alone is a most serious matter to all concerned here, and
with such a lawless and ruinous condition as I have related, both
foreigners and natives alike believe they are justified in feeling
apprehensive that life and property, unless some prompt and
extraordinary measures are adopted by the government, will be imperiled
the coming winter.
The statement above of my belief that the robbers are now provided with
foreign arms may require some explanation. I can sustain it, however, by
the knowledge I have long possessed and often reported, that the
southern native compradors of this place are in the habit of secretly
inquiring of masters of vessels if they would part with their stands of
guns or pistols. Although, with every desire, I have been unable to
detect with accompanying proofs a single transaction, no one hereabouts
doubts for a moment but that large numbers of foreign weapons have been
so obtained, and sent to the interior for sale. And my opinion on the
subject is now confirmed since Mr. Taintor, the commissioner of customs,
was, on the 21st instant, while sailing along the Lian on a surveying
trip toward Sin-mun-tim, suddenly attacked by a number of men at a point
about twenty miles beyond San-cha-ho, some of whom fired at him with
foreign guns.
This band being strongly positioned for attack or retreat on a long
island, and having four boats at their command, made several running
attempts to capture Mr. Taintor, and his escape was a narrow one. He was
forced to fire several return shots in self-defense, some of which one
may be permitted to hope taught them a lasting lesson.
This dispatch has already transgressed the limit I looked forward to at
the commencement, but I am most anxious to provide all that is necessary
and true, in order that you may with ease convince the imperial
government officials that it is imperative they should take immediate
steps to avert in this quarter what may be worse than already
It is barely possible, so much do provincial officials dislike of all
things to report unfavorably to Peking, that the Tsun-li Yamen may reply
that they are not in receipt of corroborative information from their own
officials. But I think not, for I know that the Tao-tai of this port and
the Tartar general of Moukden are in active correspondence, apparently
as to which shall forward troops here or there. And this morning I learn
that the large Samshoo-Hongo, of the city of Newchwang, have returned
their licenses to the officials with a joint letter saying that they pay
their annual tax to Peking, but, since from want of protection they
cannot manufacture and export their Samshoo with safety, they can do no
business, and their license is without value. Interest is awakened in
every quarter as to what steps shall be taken for our security during
the ensuing winter, and I should fail in my duty did I not bring forward
to your notice the several suggestions. The English residents have
petitioned their minister for either a gunboat or a company of marines,
to be stationed here until the next spring; while the commissioner of
customs intends to inquire of the inspector-general, Mr. Hart, as to the
practicability of one of the smaller Chinese gunboats being retained
Certainly both ideas are good, and such as are not lightly to be
abandoned. For in the event of this port being attacked by a large
force, as was indeed the case with the city of Newchwang, (situated but
thirty miles distant,) in 1886, it is possible that the resident
Tao-tai’s 500 foreign-drilled troops might be required to await his
orders for the defense of the native quarter, while the gunboats or
marines would especially protect the foreign settlement.
My own suggestions, however, in addition to the above one, are:
- First, that the imperial government be recommended to instruct
the high officials of this province to provide, say, three or
four thousand stand of rifles and ammunition, which shall be
distributed to the proper officers of the several cities and
towns, according to their size and importance, including the
cities of Newchwang, Hatching, and Kai-chow, which are within
the thirty miles radius of this port.
- Second, that the Tao-tai of this port be instructed not to
move the 500 foreign-drilled troops belonging to and stationed
at this port, outside the limits, except for immediate purposes
of defense. My proposition, it is true, calls for a certain
[Page 219]
on the
part of these provincial authorities, hut it will be a
comparatively small expenditure if the expense is made to fall
pro rata on each city or town thus
supplied with such real means of defense; and in fact the outlay
will not be greater than that the British government has more
than once submitted to, with proverbial liberality and
solicitude for its subjects and interests, during past winters
at this port.
For my own part I willingly acknowledge that the active steps taken by
the imperial government within my experience in 1866, make me feel
assured that it has every desire and intention to maintain peace and
security and uphold confidence in this part of the empire, but I fear
its habitual delays.
I now leave it for you, sir, to deal with the subject, and the
government’s best plan is to forward its orders by speedy courier to the
Tartar general at Moukden.
Confident that my reputation will acquit me of being charged as an
alarmist, I will address you again should events warrant it.
I have, &c.,
Consul. - S. Wells Williams,
Chargé d’Affaires for the United States,
[Inclosure 2, in No.
Prince Kung to Mr.
Tungchi, 12th year, 9th moon,
19th day, (November 8,
Prince Kung, chief secretary of state for foreign affairs, herewith makes
a reply.
I received your excellency’s dispatch relating to the local bands of
marauders about Newchwang, which were robbing and levying black-mail at
the stations they had lawlessly established; and, as I have already
informed yon, sent orders immediately, in response to your request, to
the authorities to adopt measures for suppressing and punishing these
On the 2d instant I received a dispatch from the superintendent of the
northern ports, covering a report from the intendant at Newchwang,
stating as follows:
“Careful examination has been made for many days past, and no
unauthorized stations can be found where black-mail has been extorted
from wayfarers and traders. Formerly, as it was currently reported here
that in Liao-yang, in those parts of the prefecture lying along the
river Liao, were found many robbers, who waylaid travelers and stopped
the grain on its way to market, letting them go when their demands were
complied with, I immediately requested the military authorities to
detail some troops to arrest them, and issued my orders to all the local
magistrates of every grade at once to exert themselves to take and
punish all offenders. I have now heard that the marauders have all
dispersed, the roads and rivers are all open, and travelers or traders
can everywhere pass as usual. As I report these things I may add that
general orders have been given to the various magistrates and the
foreign-drilled troops, to really exert themselves to maintain order and
arrest evil-doers.”
Having received the above, I can do no better than to send a copy of it
for your information.
His Excellency S. Wells Williams,
United States Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.