No. 287.
Mr. Nelson
to Mr. Fish.
Mexico, March 31, 1873. (Received April 15.)
Sir: The federal troops under the command of Generals Corona and Ceballos reached the capital of the district of Tepic without any resistance after capturing the principal towns. Lozada, the chief of the rebels, has been abandoned by his troops, who submitted to the supreme government, offering their services and arms against their former commander. The revolt may, therefore, be considered as substantially ended.
The national Congress commences its regular sessions on the 1st of April, (to-morrow.) At a preliminary meeting of the deputies a few days ago, Mr. Francisco Gomez Palacio was elected president of Congress for the month of April, and Mr. Julio Zarat vice-president. The former gentleman is supposed to be opposed to the administration of President Lerdo. The national budget, the accounts of the last fiscal year, and the proposed railway projects, will form the principal subjects of discussion during the approaching session.
Messrs. R. C. Ritter & Co., American citizens, residing in Vera Cruz, and agents of the Alexandre line of steamers, have made a contract with the Mexican government to run a line of steamers between New Orleans and Vera Cruz for the term of four years from November next, making semi-monthly voyages, going and coming by way of Tuxpan and Tampico. The Mexican government is to pay them a subvention of three thousand six hundred dollars per month.
The epizooty has appeared in almost every part of the republic, attacking, at the same time, horses, mules, cattle, sheep, and fowls. It has rarely proved fatal, and its epidemic character is rapidly disappearing.
I have, &c.,