Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress, With the Annual Message of the President, December 1, 1873
No. 275.
Mr. Bliss
to Mr. Fish.
Mexico, December 14, 1872. (Rec’d Jan. 14, 1873.)
Sir: I inclose herewith a printed copy (A) and a translation (B) of a set of regulations published at Matamoras by the commission appointed by the Mexican government to investigate into the outrages committed on the northern frontier.
I am, &c.,
commission of investigation on the northern frontier.
Regulations published at Matamoras by the commission appointed by the Mexican government to investigate the outrages committed on the northern frontier.
The executive of the union, authorized by the law of the 30th of September last, named the undersigned to form a commission to investigate the facts as regards the damages complained of by the citizens of the United States, and those caused by them to the Mexican citizens in the States of Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, and Coahuila, whether through depredations by Indians, cattle-stealing, or through any other outrages upon persons or property; consequently, the commission will hear all the complaints presented in conformity to the following regulations:
- 1.
- The persons who, in Mexican territory, may have undergone, since the 2d of February, 1848, any outrage upon their persons or property, of whatever kind it may be, if caused by invasions or incursions of individuals proceeding from territory of the United States, or by individuals who at the time of committing the outrages resided in Mexican territory and then found refuge in territory of the United States, will present their complaints before this commission.
- 2.
- The presentation of the complaints will be made through a document on paper of the fifth seal, which will be delivered to the secretary of the commission, or verbally by the interested party appearing before the said commission.
- 3.
- In either case the following items must be stated:
- I.
- The name and surname of the claimant or claimants; his abode at the time when the incident or incidents that cause the complaint took place; his present abode; his [Page 640] nationality; the exact or approximate place, as near as possible, where the said incidents took place; a brief narration of the fact and its circumstances, without comments of any sort; and whether the claim has or not been presented before the mixed commission in Washington.
- II.
- The kind, quantity, quality, and value of the property lost, robbed, or destroyed by any of the causes expressed in regulation 1. Should the complaints be caused by any assault on the person, the compensation called for will be expressed in a specified amount of money.
- III.
- The names and surnames of the perpetrators of the damage, should they be known, and their place of residence at the time when the incidents complained of took place. Should these conditions not be known, the reason or reasons for believing the damage to be caused by persons residing in the United States, or by persons who, residing in Mexican territory, found refuge in territory of the United States, must be stated.
- IV.
- Should the stolen property have been taken to the United States, the conditions of this fact will be stated, in so far as known by the claimants; it will also be stated whether the latter made any demand or claim, or asked any kind of help from any authority of the United States, with the object of recovering his property; whether the stolen property was returned; the difficulties he may have had to obtain restitution, or the reasons given by the authority for not making it.
- V.
- Should the property stolen in Mexican territory have been transferred to the United States and there sold, the name and surname of the person who purchased them must be stated; as also the price they were sold for, the place or places the buyers took them, and the other circumstances in so far as known to the claimants.
- VI.
- Should the persons accused of the acts which cause the complaint have found protection in the territory of the United States, the sort of protection given to them must be stated; as also by whom, and whether the persons who protected the accused were authorities at the time they gave that protection, or whether they have been before or afterward, mentioning at least the public post or posts they may have at any time occupied in the United States.
- 4.
- The claimants may offer their proofs, either in writing at the time of presenting their complaint, or by writing presented at any time, even after their first representation, or verbally by appearing in person.
- 5.
- Should the evidence be documentary, it will be presented before the commission, or the latter will be informed of the archives where the instruments may be found, so that the commission may call for the copies or certificates they may deem necessary.
- 6.
- Should the evidence be by production of witnesses, the claimant will bring them before the commission, either with a written interrogatory, or explaining verbally to the said commission the points he wants to prove, so that the witnesses may be questioned on them.
- There must be at least three in each case.
- 7.
- Should any witness refuse to appear, the claimant will inform the commission thereof, that it may issue a formal citation and compel the witness to appear.
- 8.
- The heirs or representatives of persons who may have suffered damages of the kind mentioned in regulation 1, have, according to law, a right to present their complaints.
- 1.
- The object of the commission being to form a complete judgment upon the matter, having as a rule of its conduct the most complete impartiality, and being guided only by the principles of strict justice, it invites persons residing in territory of the United States, or who have property there and believe they have a right to complain of robberies or depredations committed by bands organized in Mexican territory, to present their claims before the commission with the necessary proofs.
- 2.
- Residents in Mexican territory are requested to lend their aid to the commission, so that the latter may have all the means and facilities necessary to comply with its instructions and prepare the means to redress the evils alleged to have been committed on both frontiers and prevent them in the future.
The office of the commission is open every day, excepting feast days, from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m., in the house situated at the corner of Six and Morelos streets, known as the new house of Mr. Pedro José de la Garzá.