No. 179.
Edward Thornton to Mr. Fish.
Washington, January 30, 1873.
(Received January 31.)
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith copy of
an act passed by the legislature of Prince Edward’s Island on the 29th of
June last, relating to the treaty of Washington of May 8, 1871.
I have, &c.,
Cap. II.
AN ACT relating to the treaty of Washington, 1871, passed
June 29, 1872.
Whereas, by article thirty-three of the treaty between Her Majesty and
the United States of America, signed at the city of Washington, on the
eighth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, it is
provided that articles eighteen to twenty-five, inclusive, relating to
the fisheries, shall take effect as soon as the laws required to carry
them into operation shall have been passed by the Imperial Parliament of
Great Britain, by the Parliament of Canada, and by the legislature of
Prince Edward’s Island, on the one hand, and by the Congress of the
United States on the other; and that, such assent having been given, the
said articles shall remain in force for the term of years mentioned in
the said article thirty-three; and whereas it is expedient that the laws
required to carry the said treaty into effect as respects Prince
Edward’s Island should be passed by the legislature thereof:
- 1.
- Be it therefore enacted by the lieutenant-governor, council,
and assembly: The act made and passed in the sixth year of the
reign of her present Majesty, chapter fourteen, intituled “An
act relating to the fisheries, and for the prevention of illicit
trade in Prince Edward’s Island and the coasts and harbors
thereof,” shall be and is hereby suspended as respects vessels
and inhabitants of the United States of America engaged in
taking fish of every or any kind, except shell-fish, on the
sea-coasts and shores, and in
[Page 408]
the bays, harbors, and creeks of Prince
Edward’s Island; as shall, also, all acts, laws, or regulations
(if any) over which the legislature of the said Island has
control which would in any wise prevent or impede the full
effect of the said article eighteen.
- 2.
- Fish-oil and fish of all kinds, except fish of the inland
lakes and of the rivers falling into them, and except fish
preserved in oil, being the produce of the fisheries of the
United States, shall be admitted into Prince Edward’s Island
free of duty.
- 3.
- The foregoing sections of this act shall come into force upon,
from, and after a day to be appointed for that purpose by a
proclamation based upon an order of the lieutenant-governor in
council, and shall remain in force during the term of years
mentioned in article thirty-three of the said treaty.