No. 164.
General Schenck to Mr. Fish.
London, May 22, 1873. (Received June 3.)
Sir: In my No. 399, on the 1st instant, I informed you of my interview and conversation with Earl Granville in regard to taking up negotiation again on the subject of a consular convention.
Since then I have had no communication from his lordship on the matter until the day before yesterday, when I received from him a note, of which I inclose herewith a copy. Referring to my suggestion that there should be an article empowering consuls of one country residing in the other to administer oaths, he states that the subject of consular attributes is receiving the attention of Her Majesty’s government, and that he will communicate with me upon it when he is in possession of the materials to enable him to do so.
This, I understand, as an explanation or apology for necessary delay, and I presume I may, after a while, expect to be furnished with the counter project for which I have asked.
I have, &c.,