No. 160.
General Schenck to Mr. Fish.
London, April 29, 1873. (Received May 14.)
Sir: Referring to my No. 392, I have to report that Lord Granville has to-day informed me that he has considered and is prepared to assent to the suggestion that a protocol shall be signed at Washington, reciting the several acts of legislation which have been passed to carry out the provisions of articles XVIII to XXV, and article XXX of the treaty of Washington, and declaring the day for the taking effect of those articles. Sir Edward Thornton will be instructed to join you in such a protocol. Lord Dufferin, the governor-general of Canada, will also be directed to issue, as soon as he shall be notified of the execution of the protocol, a proclamation announcing the fact and the date at which the articles go into operation.
I have, &c.,