No. 157.
General Schenck to Mr. Fish.
Legation of the
United States,
London, April 5, 1873.
(Received April 16.)
No. 370.]
Sir: The Royal Geographical Society have sent to me
the gold medal awarded by them to Mr. H. M. Stanley, for his adventurous
journey into the interior of Africa, and the succor given by him to Dr.
Livingstone. They request me to transmit the medal to Mr. Stanley. I forward
it to you, with the letter to me from Sir Henry Rawlinson, the president of
the society, which accompanied it.
I was not able to give to Sir Henry, with any certainty, Mr. Stanley’s
address in the United States; but I promised to send the medal to the State
Department, and assured him that it would give you pleasure to take care
that such honorable testimony to the energy and perseverance of an American
citizen should be safely conveyed to him.
I have, &c.,
[Page 354]
[Inclosure No. 1.]
Sir Henry Rawlinson
to General Schenck.
Geographical Society,
1 Saville
Row, Burlington Gardens, W., April 4, 1873.
Excellency: I have been requested by the
council of the Royal Geographical Society of London to hand to you, for
transmission to the United States, the gold medal which was awarded by
them at a special meeting, held during last autumn, to Mr. H. M.
Stanley, for the important service rendered by him to the cause of
geographical science in his adventurous journey to Lake Tanganiyaka,
whereby he was enabled to afford succor to Dr. Livingstone in his
extreme distress, and to bring to Europe the journals and papers of the
great African traveler.
It was a matter of much regret to the council that under the regulations
of the society they were unable to present the medal to Mr. Stanley in
person, before he left England in last November, but they are happy to
think that the testimony which the award of the council is intended to
offer to Mr. Stanley’s energy and perseverance will be enhanced in value
by its being transmitted to its destination through the representative
of the illustrious nation to which that gentleman belongs.
I have the honor to be, excellency, your faithful servant,
President of the Royal Geographical Society of
His Excellency General Schenck,
Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United
[Inclosure No. 2.]
General Schenck to
Sir Henry Rawlinson.
Legation of
the United States,
London, April 5,
My Dear Sir Henry: Your
letter of yesterday, with the gold medal awarded by the Royal
Geographical Society to Mr. H. M. Stanley, was duly received.
I have to-day transmitted the medal to Mr. Fish, Secretary of State, at Washington, who, I doubt
not, will take care that such honorable testimony to the energy and
perseverance of an American citizen shall be safely and without delay
conveyed to him.
I am, dear sir, very respectfully, your most obedient servant,
Major-General Sir Henry
Creswicke Rawlinson, K. C. B, F. R. S., &c.,
President of the Royal Geographical Society,
1 Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, W.