No. 306.

Mr. Fish to Mr. Riotte

No. 61.]

Sir: Your dispatch No. 85, of the 16th of August last, has been received. The account which it gives of Central American politics is full and interesting. The reunion of the five states in a confederation likely to be more lasting than the former one has always been regarded by us as desirable, not only for the internal prosperity of that region, but for convenience and efficiency in the management of its foreign affairs. The dissolution of the first confederacy was always regarded by us as adverse to the well-being of the respective members and of their inhabitants. Possibly it might have been prevented, if the United States had had at the time a qualified diplomatic agent in that country. Soon after the dissolution took place, the Mosquito question obtained a prominence in the relations of Nicaragua, especially with other powers, which might have been avoided, if the confederation had continued. That question gave us much trouble for several years; and though ultimately settled definitively, as was supposed, other questions resulting from it occasionally threaten inconvenience.

It may be regarded as premature to express an opinion as to the expediency of your accepting the presidency of a congress for the restoration of the Union. If the desire for a new confederacy should become general and unmistakable, and the meeting of a full representation of agents for the purpose, certain instructions upon the subject will then be given to you, if the original invitation should be still in force, or should be repeated.

I am, &c.,