No. 303.

Mr. Riotte to Mr. Fish

No. 80.]

Sir: I have the honor of acknowledging the receipt of your dispatches Nos. 52 and 53, of respectively April 26 and May 9 last.

The inclosed correspondence explains itself, and requires no additional remarks of mine.

The parcel therein alluded to leaves with this dispatch, marked S. D.

I have the honor, &c.,


List of inclosures.

1. Copy of my note to Minister Balladares’s, of May 28 ultimo, acknowledging the receipt of a parcel destined for the Government of the United States.

2. Copy and translation of Mr. Ballarades’s note of June 10, advising me of having dispatched another parcel with the same destination.

3. Copy of my note of this day to Mr. Balladares, acknowledging the receipt of notes and parcel.

[Inclosure 1.]

Mr. Riotte to Mr. Balladares.

Hon. Francisco Balladares, &c., &c., &c.:

* * * * I beg to advise you that the parcel of documents, pertaining to your note of the 11th instant upon the canal across this republic, came to my hands, and was forwarded to Washington on the 24th instant, and, also, that I have received your dispatch of 15th instant, informing me of the appointment of Mr. Rafael Zurita to be sub-secretary for foreign relations.

I have the honor, &c.,

[Inclosure 2.—Translation.]

Mr. Balladares to Mr. Riotte.

Mr. C. N. Riotte, &c., &c.:

By your esteemed communication of the 28th ultimo, I was informed that the parcel of documents relative to the interoceanic canal came to your hands and was dispatched to Washington the 24th of the same month.

[Page 673]

I offer to your excellency my best thanks for your promptness. Since it is the President’s constant wish to collect all possible documents relating to that most grand enterprise, in order that the Government of the United States may take cognizance thereof and estimate their merits, he has ordered me to forward to you the report submitted to him by the civil engineer of the republic, to the end that it may be, by your intervention, sent to the high cognizance of his excellency the President of the United States.

I have the pleasure, &c., &c.,

[Inclosure 3.]

Mr. Riotte to Mr. Balladares.

Hon. Don Francisco Balladares, &c., &c.:

* * * I have the honor of herewith acknowledging the receipt of your note of the 10th instant, and of a parcel directed to me, stamped with the seal of your department, and delivered to me by Don Buenaventura Selva, which I will forward to my Government with the next steamer, that of the 24th instant.

I beg Mr. Minister Balladares, &c.,