Mr. Orth to Mr. Seward.

Dear Sir: I enclose you a letter from Mr. O’Connell, one of my constituents, in reference to the imprisonment of his son, Charles Underwood O’Connell, formerly a captain in our army, and a citizen of the United States,.now imprisoned in Great Britain on charge of complicity with the Fenian movement. Also a letter from honorable George Clifton, governor of Portland prison, &c.

I desire to submit these letters to your department, with the suggestion that probably the friendly interposition of our government in Captain O’Connell’s behalf might result in restoring to his family a gallant soldier of the republic, who may have been guilty of an indiscretion against the government of Great Britain; or if of crime, that it is already sufficiently expiated.



Hon. William. H. Seward, Secretary of State.

Mr. O’Connell to Mr. Orth.

Hon. Sir: Enclosed you have the governor’s letter you expressed a wish to see. I also send a newspaper in which Mr. Pope Hennessy, a member of the English Parliament, allude to the sufferings and treatment those convicted for political offences are receiving.

May the Great Lord bless you—and take the earliest opportunity of seeing Mr. Seward, as my poor son cannot much longer exist, under such cruel and merciless treatment. Regretting much being so very troublesome, and hoping to hear from you after seeing Mr. Seward, I have the honor to be, honorable sir, with great respect, your inflexible supporter,


Godlove S. Orth, Esq., M. C.

Governor Clifton to Mr. Scullin.

Sir: Prisoner 5,368, Charles Underwood O’Connell, desires me to communicate with you, and inform you that he is much troubted at not hearing from his family since he left the United States. He would feel more at ease were his anxiety respecting them relieved; and wants to hear whether all are alive and in good health.

He entreats his friends not to fret, or by any means trouble about him, but to remember him in their prayers.

He sends his love to his father, brother-in-law Mr. Scullin, his sisters Margaret, Anna, and [Page 57] Kate, his brothers John and Morgan, and hopes the latter two hoys study to improve their minds in their leisure hours. He is quite well.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Mr. Titus Scullin, (Care of Miss O’Connell, Lake House, Lafayette, Indiana, United States of America.)