Members of Various Societies of Bienne
Dear Sir: I hereby enclose you the signatures of the members of various societies, assembled by order of the district authorities, to express their approbation of the address of sympathy and condolence of the inhabitants of little Switzerland to the great sister republic of the United States.
What man, what true Swiss, did not feel the warm blood run swifter in his veins and his heart pulsate audibly at the news of the great events in America, the perpetual abolition of slavery!
I remain, with much esteem, the old interventioner,
Biel, (Bienne.)
In the name of about 800 persons assembled on the 25th of April, to celebrate the victories and the abolition of slavery in the United States.
For the Standing Committee. - JOHN SESSLER,
Dr. John Wittenbach,
of the Grand Council in Berne.