Editor of the Bund to Mr. Fogg
To the honorable George G. Fogg, minister resident of the United States, Berne.
To the hands of his Excellency Andrew
President of the United States, at Washington:
The undersigned has the honor herewith to transmit to you the address of sympathy and condolence to the American Union voted by a meeting of Swiss citizens at Bern, and accompanied by the declarations of accession sent in from all parts of the whole Swiss Confederation.
It required but the slight impulsion of this address to arouse in Switzerland a lively and most universal movement of sympathy for the American sister republic. After the members of the high Federal Council and of the grand council of the canton of Berne had opened the list of signatures, the governments of Argovy and Soleure gave the signal for the accession also of the cantonal governments, most of whom have, upon the immediate invitation of the address committee, not hesitated to comply either by letters to the Federal Council, or by direct individual signature, and in the names of their cantons.
In Geneva a meeting of 4,000, and in Chaux-de-fonds one of 2,000 persons was held in order to vote a separate address. The grand councils of Vaud and Tessin also have voted separate manifestations of sympathy. Besides a number of the most prominent citizens of the country, a great many communal authorities and private citizens, particularly from the cantons of Berne, Basle-Town, Neufchatel, Argovy, Zurich, (town of Winterthur,) Fribourg, (town of Murten,) Basle, Campagne, &c., have acceded to our address. The aggregate number of signatures, which at this moment cannot be given quite accurately, may be estimated for the accompanying address alone at about 10,000, if the number can add anything to the value of the testimonials of sympathy from all classes and professions, authorities and private individuals.
The greatest act of sympathy, however, was the resolution of the Landsgememde of Glaris, an assembly of from 5,000 to 6,000 voters of a Swiss canton of 30,000 inhabitants, who in the open air make the laws of their country, and of which occasion they availed themselves, at the suggestion of their Landammann, unanimously to rise, and with uncovered heads to manifest their sympathy with the American Union.
In accordance with this manifestation, the government of another democratic canton, namely, Grisons, has submitted the question of a demonstration of sympathy and condolence by the people of Grisons, to all the thirty-nine district assemblies, which in that canton are equal to the Landsgememde; and there is no doubt that on Sunday, the 14th May, the voters of a canton of 90,000 inhabitants will also unanimously proclaim their sympathy for the United States.
In view of these tokens it may well be asserted that it is the whole Swiss people who, in this moment, offer to the American people their greeting of brotherly sentiment. Our sole wish is, that it may be received in the same spirit by the citizens of the American Union.
With the highest consideration, in the name of the address committee,
F. GENGEL, Editor of the Bund.
[Page 560]P. S.—It will hardly be necessary to explain that the term “democracy” in the address is not synonymous with the party denomination in America. The address of condolence also is directed to Mr. Vice-President Johnson, because it was drawn up before his (known) inauguration as President. And in regard finally to the external appearance of the signatures, the apology may be given that though much may be left to be desired, they are not the less sincere.
The above undersigned.