Prince Gortchacow to Mr. Clay.
Mr. Minister: In informing you, in the name of the imperial cabinet, of the profound indignation excited by the assassination of the President of the United States, and the heartfelt sympathy which the American government and people have met with among us in this their national grief, I was certain of having expressed the sentiments of his Majesty the Emperor.
Scarcely has my august master returned to his dominions when he orders me to testify to you his grief at this painful event. Tried himself by a woful loss, which is also a cause of national mourning for Russia, the Emperor joins in the unanimous regrets which encircle the memory of the eminent statesman snatched away so suddenly, and in so terrible manner, from his noble career.
His imperial majesty requests us, your excellency, to transmit to you, in his name, the assurance of his living and deep sympathy with the family of the late Mr. Lincoln, and with his Excellency President Johnson.
I also fulfilled the orders of my august master by informing you how much his Imperial Majesty has been touched by the spontaneous testimonials of respect which the federal officers have shown to the memory of his dearly beloved son during the passage of the squadron bearing to Russia his mortal remains.
I have already communicated to the federal government the thanks of his Imperial Majesty through his representative at Washington. He asks of you the favor to reiterate them.
Be assured, your excellency, of my very distinguished consideration.
General Clay, &c., &c.