American Residents of Arequipa

Manifestation of the citizens of the United States of North America in Arequipa, Peru.

We, in accordance with the sincere and profound sympathy which actuates our patriotic hearts, have met together on this occasion to express condolence for the sad calamity which has befallen our country in the death of the much honored and beloved late President, Abraham Lincoln.

Therefore we, with great sorrow for the irreparable loss with which the United States have so recently been afflicted, by the fiendish and horrible assassination of the late President, Abraham Lincoln—

Resolve, That in this awful calamity our country not only feels the vacancy of her first magistrate, but the loss of the most illustrious and distinguished of men in the cause of the Union and that of humanity.

Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the family of the lamented late President in their affliction and bereavement.

Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the sufferings of our eminent Secretary of State, the Hon. William H. Seward, and of his sons, caused by the hand of a desperate and inhuman assassin; and may divine Providence preserve their lives to their families and their country.

Resolved, That copies of this expression of our heartfelt sympathies be forwarded to the families of the late President and the honorable Secretary of State; and that the same be published in the papers of Panama, New York, and Washington.

  • S. K. G. NELLIS.