Count d’Avila to Mr. Harvey.


I have the honor of handing you copies enclosed of a communication addressed to me by the secretary of the Chamber of Deputies, under yesterday’s date, and of the motion referred to in said communication, which was presented in the session of the 3d instant, and voted unanimously, manifesting the sentiments of said Chamber in regard to the horrible deed committed on the person of Mr. Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States of America.

Whilst requesting you to bring these documents before your government, it is my duty to inform you that his Majesty’s government, immediately that it was informed of an event which has saddened a nation whose destinies had been confided to so illustrious a magistrate, issued the needful instructions to his Majesty’s minister, at the United States, with a view to express to the American government the profound regret with which his Majesty the King and his government received the news of that event.

I avail of this opportunity to reiterate the assurances of my most distinguished consideration.