Mr. de Figaniere to Mr. Hunter.
Charlestown, Maryland, April 17, 1865.
Sir: Your note of the 15th instant, with the sad information of the awful events of the previous night, resulting in the unexpected death of President Lincoln, was received by me this day with great regret.
Sincerely sympathising with the government and people pf the United States for the loss they have sustained, I trust that the honorable Secretary of State and his son, Mr. Frederick Seward, may recover from the injuries inflicted upon them.
I am also advised by your said note that, pursuant to the provision of the Constitution of the United States, Andrew Johnson, the Vice-President, has formally assumed the functions of President, and that you have by him been authorized to perform the duties of Secretary of State until otherwise ordered.
I take this occasion to offer to you, sir, the assurance of my great consideration.
Hon. William Hunter,
Acting Secretary of State of the United States,