Mr. Judd to Mr. Seward.

No. 95.]

Sir: Telegraphic advices from the United States, by a later steamer, reached here at noon to-day, and it affords me sincere pleasure to learn that the first report of the death of Mr. Frederick W. Seward has been erroneous, and that, although in a critical condition, he still lives, and that notwithstanding the cruel and savage wounds inflicted on you by a cowardly assassin, in addition to the severe injuries sustained, by your late accident, your condition was considered hopeful.

All of the members of the diplomatic corps have paid me their visits of regard and condolence. So have the King’s chiefest officials, and many of the distinguished men of science and letters.

As the details of the horrible crime become known, the interest and excitement in every circle and among every class of men increases. It is the one theme of conversation and discussion. The public journals here and elsewhere are entirely filled with it. One intense and spontaneous burst of sorrow and indignation is ringing throughout Germany, and every one, high and low, great and humble, is eager to bear testimony of his admiration and grief for a great and good man departed.

Yesterday the subject was brought before the House of Deputies, by one of its most distinguished members, Dr. William Loewe, well known among our German citizens in the United States, from his long residence in New York, as a political exile from his fatherland. In eloquent and feeling terms he paid a warm tribute to President Lincoln, and at the close of his remarks called upon the House to unite with him in an address appropriate to the occasion, to be presented to the American minister here. Nearly the whole House rose in token of concurrence, and the address, as drawn up by the speaker, is receiving numerous signatures. It is to be presented to me by a deputation of members, headed by the president and the two vice-presidents of the House. Dr. Loewe has conferred with me, and it is arranged that the address is to be presented on the afternoon of Monday next.

At my invitation the Americans at present at Berlin have met at the legation, and it has been decided to have divine services in memory of the late President, on Tuesday next, May 2, at o’clock p. m., in the Dorothea church, the use of which for that purpose has been kindly granted us by the city authorities and the pastors of the church. President H. P. Tappan, formerly of Michigan University, will conduct the services for us.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward,
Secretary of State, Washington.