Merchants’ Association of Vercelli.
Hon. Sir: The sad and horrible assassination of Abraham Lincoln, while it astounded all free and civilized nations, profoundly afflicted the great mass of [Page 470] merchants and artisans who saw in the great President of the North American republic the noble principles of true democracy, the great redeemer of the slave, the magnanimous benefactor of humanity, who, from a man of the people, elevated himself by his genius and his virtue to the highest office in the gift of the nation.
The committee of the Merchants’ Association of Vercelli, acting as interpreter for the society, expresses its horror at the abominable deed that has thrown the civilized world into mourning and consternation, and cherishes the most sincere hopes for the glorious and cheerful future of America, which, now that slavery is abolished, may be reunited in peace and harmony.
Long may America flourish! Glory to the memory of the immortal Lincoln, whose name will be recorded in the eternal pages of history, as the greatest ever | honored by humanity.
The same horror is felt at the iniquitous attack upon the illustrious minister, | Seward, who was providentially preserved from the vile assassin’s dagger for the good of the American people.
In discharging this sad duty, the committee begs you to accept the expression of its highest consideration and esteem.
Hon. Geo. Perkins Marsh,
U. S. Minister to Italy, at Turin.