Municipal Council of Torre del Greco


Extract from the minutes of the common council of Torre del Greco, in the province of Naples.

The common council met in its hall, the seventh ordinary meeting, in presence of the mayor, Antonio Agostino Brancaccio, the following councilmen being present: Rafaele d’Amato, Stapino Brancaccio, Silvestro Costabile, Giuliano [Page 467] Dedilectis, Luigi Dolce, Antonio d’Istria, Roberto Lullo, Agnello Lullo, Biondo Palomba, Antonio di Bartolomeo Palomba, Francesco Rajola, Vincenzo Scognamiglio, Francesco Maria Sorrentino, Stefano Sorrentino, Cavalier Andrea Vitelli, Michele Villano, making a quorum of seventeen out of the thirty members of the council, excluding the mayor and secretary.

On motion of Biondo Palomba, in regular order, the council unanimously adopted the following address of condolence for the cruel death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the republic of the United States of America, and ordered it to be sent to the American Congress, through the United States consul in Naples:

“He who, like Lincoln, constitutes himself the redeemer of humanity, has a right to the love and gratitude of all succeeding generations. Such a person is immortal, and the whole world mourns his death. If the grief is great when such a man dies a natural death, how much greater it must be when he is hastened to an untimely tomb by the hand of an assassin! Such a crime is scarcely comprehensible to a reasonable mind, and the being who commits it can scarcely be reckoned as a human being.

“The policy advocated by Mr. Lincoln is victorious, and will endure forever His successor, inspired by the glorious example, can easily remove any obstacles that might arise to impede his progress.

“The common council of Torre del Greco, in condoling with the American people for the assassination of Lincoln, is sure his plan will be carried out by Mr. Johnson.”

The above is a correct copy of the minutes adopted by the council, after hearing it read; and signed by the mayor, as president, by Cavalier Andrea Vitelli, the oldest member present, and by me, the secretary.

  • FRANCESCO PERLA, Secretary.

{Victor Emanuel, King of Italy.}

{Common Council of Torre del Greco.}