Municipal Council of Somma Vesuviana
Letter of condolence from the common council of Somma Vesuviana, near Naples, on the death of Presiaent Lincoln.
Sir: The common council of Somma Vesuviana, at the ordinary session of the 25th instant, on motion of Counsellor Giova Errico, unanimously adopted the following resolution, which you will please bring to the knowledge of your government:
The municipality of Somma Vesuviana, horrified by the detestable misdeed that deprived the great American nation of its magnanimous President, Abraham Lincoln, desires to express to his successor, as a worthy representative of that generous people, the profound sorrow it felt at the announcement of the great misfortune, and hopes that the noble cause to which that life was consecrated, and to which it was sacrificed, may soon regain its former glory with the greatest triumph of civilization.
Accept the protests of my most profound esteem.
The United States Consul in Naples.