Italian Una Lodge of Parma


Ancient and accepted Scotch rite, M∴ ꨡ C ∴ V ∴ of Parma, E∴ V∴ United Italy, Orient of Parma, No. 126. A∴ G∴ D∴ G∴ A∴ D∴ U∴ and D∴ N∴ P∴ S∴ G∴ D∴ S∴

To you, S∴ F∴ U∴, Subject:

On the announcement of the death of Abraham Lincoln, the ꨡ Italian Una, in the Orient of Parma, at the regular session of the 28th of April, 1865, E∴ V∴, inscribed the following Tar∴

“Lincoln was taken from terrestrial existence; his noble head was elevated to pay the tribute to eternity of a great and finished work, when it was crushed by the assassin’s bullet; his strong form was full of the joy of the great triumph of humanity. Now no more! But Lincoln’s personality had reached that point where the individual man disappears and the incarnation of a prince beams forth. Such was Lincoln, and as such it was not in the power of any violence to destroy him. He lives in a strong, brave, and determined people; he lives in the [Page 459] midst of struggling humanity, whose faith has been increased, whose heart has been purified, and whose intellect has been enlarged by the example of his virtue.”

Hail, in eternity, 0 spirit of Lincoln! Thou hast gone to the embrace of Washington! Look down from the supernal spheres with the smile of pardon and faith in the human beings that are contending for the triumph of the eternal laws of moral progress.

O, great spirits, welcome the greeting and love of those who remain to struggle, and may your thoughts of great things and of the constant virtue of sacrifice inspire us all, men and nations, to continue in the right.

The Ven’bl∴ A. OLIVA.
A∴ O∴ of Parma, Italian Una.