Garibaldian Mutual Aid Society of Naples


Sir: In execution of the resolution passed to-day by our assembly, legally convocated, I have the honor to offer you, in the name of our society, the most sincere and heartfelt condolence for the great loss the American nation has sustained in the death of the late President Lincoln.

Alas! the noble and generous republic, and together with her all the European nations, have received a cruel wound. We Garibaldians were profoundly afflicted by the sad news, and can only compare our present affliction to that we have felt when our chief and father, Garibaldi, was wounded at Aspromontie.

Abraham Lincoln was the true and tried friend of liberty. His virtues and undaunted courage were about to achieve a great work, when the hand of an assassin deprived him of life.

But we despair not. We still hope in the sublime mission of the American nation. The effulgent spark of true liberty shall yet come to us through the American republic.

Italy mingles her tears with America, and all deplore the sad event, but place strong reliance upon the happy results which your renowned talents and patriotism are certain to produce, the re-establishment of the glorious Union, so long the admiration of the world.

With sentiments of high esteem, I have the honor to be, most respectfully, yours,

  • GIUSEPPE DASSI, President.
  • EUGENIO MONTINI, Secretary.

The President of the United States of America.