Inhabitants of Marsala
Marsala at the tomb of Abraham Lincoln.
Marsala, the heroic and enlightened city, through its mayor, has elevated its voice at the tomb of Abraham Lincoln.
On the 6th of May, 1866, in the city hall of Marsala, a meeting was called by the mayor, and presided over by the sindic, who gave official information of the horrible crime perpetrated on the illustrious Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America.
That atrocious deed confirms the political axiom that the glories and misfortunes of a nation are the glories and misfortunes of all mankind; and young Italy, though rejoicing in her new destiny, now joins in tasting the bitter cup of American misfortune.
We Italians see in the misfortunes of America repetitions of our own misfortunes, and all Italy deplores the lamentable event that overwhelms a sister nation; and its sorrow is the greater because its people are united to us by ancient traditionary ties, a people whose country was first discovered by a son of Italy.
Christopher Columbus, Italy’s immortal son, discovered the vast continent of America, and carried Christianity and civilization to its benighted shores; and the good and noble Lincoln, late President of the United States of the New World, delivered the descendants of the children of Africa from the curse of infamy, the yoke of servitude.
It is the duty of every free people to express their sorrow and pay their homage at the tomb of great men, who are to be revered next to God; therefore, the president, as the interpreter of this meeting,
Resolves, That the inhabitants of Marsala, on this occasion, express their horror at the crime perpetrated upon the person of Abraham Lincoln, and signify their sympathy for the American people in this address to the new President and Congress of the United States of America.
The above resolution was unanimously adopted.
Councilmen. - ANTONIO SPANO,