Social Progress Lodge of Florence


Sir: The masonic lodge II Progresso Sociale, of the ancient accepted Scottish rite established in Florence, at their meeting of the 3d instant, after rendering funeral honor to the great martyr of liberty, Abraham Lincoln, and adopting mourning for three weeks, have resolved to make known their profound sorrow to the noble nation which you represent in Italy, at the same time expressing the confident hope that, notwithstanding the loss of their president, the nation and its institutions will continue as enduring as the great principles for which they are contending.

  • B. ODICINI, Master.
  • F. PULSZKY, Senior Warden.
  • C. BETTINI, Junior Warden.
  • A. MARTINATI, Orator.
  • M. LE SAIRO, Secretary.

Hon. Col. T. B. Lawrence,
United States Consul General for Italy.