Municipal Council of Fermo



Resolution of the Municipal Council of Fermo, at the session of May 10, 1865.


The mayor presiding, the Marquis Chevalier Joseph Ignatio Trevisani read to the council a resolution of the municipality of Palermo, by which public homage is rendered to the glorious name of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America, barbarously murdered by the propagandists of slavery. After approving the action of said municipality, he proposed to the council the following order of the day:

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This council, struck with horror at the violent death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America, considering that the abolition of slavery, in the triumph of which he was sacrificed, is a matter which interests humanity at large, and wishing, by a public demonstration, to do honor to that great name—

Resolve, 1. To give the name of Abraham Lincoln to the new street opened on the south side of this city.

2. To communicate to the United States consul general at Florence the present deliberation.

All present, standing, applauded the motion of the mayor, which was adopted by acclamation.

  • G. TREVISANI, Mayor.
  • C. SILVESTRI, Senior Alderman.
  • L. TRANQUILLE, Secretary.