Mr. Marmora to Mr. Marsh.


Mr. Minister: I have received the note which you have done me the honor to address me under date of May 5, transmitting to me a copy of a circular of the Department of State at Washington, which conveys the official announcement of the assassination committed on the person of the President of the United States, and of the accession of Mr. Andrew Johnson to the presidency.

On the 28th of April last I hastened to transmit to the minister of Italy at Washington the address which the Italian Parliament has voted to the Congress of the Union, in order to express to that body its sentiments of lively sympathy and the indignation which the execrable crime of which Mr. Lincoln has been the victim has excited in Italy.

The King, my august sovereign, and his government, fully concur in this manifestation, and I renew to you, Mr. Minister, the warmest expression of the sentiments they have felt in common with the whole Italian nation on this sad occasion.

In forming sincere wishes for the prosperity of the States of the Union, and their worthy President, Mr. Andrew Johnson, I beg you to accept, Mr. Minister, the assurance of my high consideration.
