Inhabitants of Saint Helen
Saint Helen, May 3, 1865
Resolutions passed unanimously at a meeting of the inhabitants of St. Helens, Lancashire, convened in compliance with a numerously signed requisition, and held at Volunteer Hall, St. Helens, on the 3d of May, 1865.
- 1.
- Resolved, That the inhabitants of St. Helens, in public meeting assembled, do hereby express their strongest feelings of abhorrence and indignation at the atrocious assassination of the President of the United States, and also at the dastardly attempt upon the life of Mr. Seward, the Secretary of State.
- 2.
- That this meeting hereby records its deepest sympathy with Mrs. Lincoln and her family under their present heart-rending bereavement, and trusts that the universal condolence of all the rightminded and virtuous throughout the world may be some solace to them in their grievous affliction.
- 3.
- That this meeting desires to convey to the people of the United States an expression of heartfelt sympathy in the loss they have sustained by the cruel death of their most excellent President.